Procter & Gamble

Since June 2018, we have been managing several key digital initiatives for SK-II, Procter & Gamble's premier skincare brand.

We closely collaborate with the brand's marketing & IT teams and other partner agencies for engagements including website revamp, marketing campaigns, and innovative new technology projects.

From project management to UX/UI design services, we work with SK-II in various capacities.

Some key initiatives we collaborated on:
- Data visualization dashboards
- FutureX Smart Store @ Changi Airport
- Smartcap - Reminder Technology
- SK-II website revamp

Our accelerated design led innovation methods

Innovation Workshop


Ideas are cheap.

Execution is EVERYTHING!

It all starts with a good discussion.

Become An Innovation Expert

Learn the 3 key design thinking workshops you need in 2021 to become an Innovation Expert.
Key workshops included in the course:
1. The #1 Decision Making Workshop
2. The Perfect 10 min Brainstorming Workshop
3. The Challenge Definer Workshop
Get precise instructions and tips to run these workshops confidently with your team(s) right away.
*We will never sell your information to third parties or do any weird stuff with your email.

Working on something cool?
Great, we want to help!